
Why we raise awareness

Co founders Nick, Pierre and James believe in using their passion for cycling for a good cause, and their chosen cause is close to their hearts. With first-hand experience of dementia in the family, they’ve made it their mission to raise awareness and fight this debilitating disease and launched Bondi2Berry in 2016; a charity bike ride that would help them achieve this mission.

The Dementia Research Community was formed in 2022 to bring together dedicated people with a common goal – to raise awareness of dementia, and to fundraise to help find a cure.

Our fundraising

To date, the Dementia Research Community through the Bondi2Berry charity has organised a whole host of events that increase awareness of dementia, raise money to fund dementia-specific research projects and educate the community about the disease. We have raised over $1,700,000 dollars since 2016 and have funded eight research projects


Say hello to the world-famous advocates who ride alongside us.

Rider Profiles

Meet the riders and what Bondi2Berry means to them. 


Get to know the men and women behind the cause.


We couldn’t do it without the support of these companies and brands.

Media Coverage

We’re not just hitting the road, but the headlines too. Check out some of the coverage we’ve been lucky enough to receive and how it’s helped not only raise the profile of the Bondi2Berry charity ride, but more importantly, raise awareness of dementia and the funds that will help find a cure.


The Dementia Research Community through Bondi2Berry Incorporated has a mission to increase understanding of, and help find a cure for dementia. As a registered charity, we comply with strict regulatory and governance obligations.