Research Projects

Our mission is to not only raise awareness of Dementia, but funds for vital research. To date, we’ve been fortunate enough to support 8 research projects.

Using gene-editing technology to remove DNA errors that may cause Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr Caitlin Finney; Neuroscientist at the University of Sydney

Dr Finney will collect skin cells from people living with the disease to grow human ‘mini brains’ in a dish. She will monitor how Alzheimer’s disease develops in the brains, then use a specialised gene editing tool to remove these genetic errors to see if it prevents the disease from developing. Read more here.

View Dr Finney’s presentation from the recent Dementia Research Community Gala Dinner.

Investigating mechanisms of abnormal tau uptake and release in glia.

Dr Sian Genoud; Cellular and molecular neuroscience researcher, Macquarie University

Dr Genoud and her team have identified that a group of important proteins, called tropomyosins, affect tau spread between brain cells. In this project, she will investigate if tropomyosins are involved in the uptake and release of toxic tau in glial cells. Read more here.

A tau-associated factor to enhance memory function

Dr Kristie Stefanoska; Molecular Dementia and Memory Research Lab at Flinders University

The research is investigating how tau-induced brain cell death contributes to cognitive decline. Dr Stefanoska is aiming to establish whether a protein called NSF could be a therapeutic target to reduce the detrimental effects of tau and protect neurons from its toxicity. Read more here.

Hear from Dr Stefanoska.

Pioneering peptide treatment

Dr Daryl Ariawan; Macquarie University

Using innovative peptide technology to target and block the toxic effects of a protein that kills brain cells and causes cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Read more here.

Hear from Dr Ariawam.

Tau Protein Project

Dr Leah Beauchamp; The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health

The buildup of toxic proteins in the brain contribute to the degenerative symptoms of Dementia. Dr Leah Beauchamp is investigating one of these specific proteins, the Tau protein, and how it can be cleared from the brain. She’s also focusing her research on another protein that’s impacted by Tau, and how it can be reactivated so it can do its job.

Hear from Dr Leah Beauchamp.

The Blood Brain Barrier Project

Dr Dorothy Wai; Monash University

With no effective treatment for dementia currently available, Dr Wai is able to use her grant to continue vital research into finding a drug that could one day offer a cure. What’s known as the blood-brain barrier, has so far prevented drugs from working, but Dr Wai hopes her research will enable drugs to cross this threshold.

Hear from Dr Dorothy Wai.

Tau-binding compounds

Dr Janet Van Eersel;  The Dementia Research Centre (DRC) Macquarie University

The new funding given to Dr Janet Van Eersel will enable her team in the Dementia Research Centre at Macquarie University to continue their research into key dementia-causing proteins, and hopefully find a cure.

Find out more here.

Cage vs Age

Dr Andrew Care and Miss India Boyton; University of Technology Sydney

The research project, Cage vs Age was funded in 2019. Thanks to this grant, Dr Andrew Care and Miss India Boyton from were able to continue their research of the pTau protein in the brain with the development of an innovative nanotechnology to hopefully stop its spread to the advancement of Alzheimer’s disease.

Find out more here.